At this point, thirty (30) of the 62 bills that UULM-MD has identified as priorities have already been heard in committee (including our testimony), and thirty-one (31) more are scheduled for hearings between February 21 and March 10.
The priority bills to be heard this week are:
Tuesday, February 21
Healthcare: HB 705 - Declaration of Rights - Right to Reproductive Freedom – in House Health & Government Operations
Gun Violence: SB 858 - Firearm Safety - Storage Requirements and Youth Suicide Prevention (Jaelynn's Law) – in Senate Judicial Proceedings
Criminal Justice: HB 523 - Correctional Services - Pregnancy and Postpartum Support (Prevention of Forced Infant Separation Act) – in House Judiciary
Wednesday, February 22
Climate change: HB 342 - Environment - Plastic Products - Postconsumer Recycled Content Program – in House Environment & Transportation
Climate change: HB 284 - Environment – Reducing Packaging Materials – Producer Responsibility – in House Environment & Transportation
Healthcare: SB 341 - Public Senior Higher Education Institutions – Reproductive Health Services Plans – Requirements – in Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment
Thursday, February 23
Climate change: HB 908 - Electricity – Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Program – in House Economic Matters
Climate change: SB 743 - Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023 – in Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment
Immigration: HB 588 - Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act) – in House Health & Government Operations
Healthcare: HB 814 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange – State–Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program – Sunset Repeal – in House Health & Government Operations
Anyone interested in providing testimony can do so in writing and/or verbally in person or remotely, as long as they are signed up in advance. Contact our Coordinator, Ashley Egan if you want her to assist you in making your voice heard.
Bills Already Heard
Two companion bills, SB 202 and HB 279 - Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Upper Payment Limits – have been approved by the Senate and House respectively and will be considered the opposite chamber before heading to the Governor for signature.
Now, less than half of our bills are awaiting a vote in committee, and voting sessions are now starting to consider them. Committee voting sessions are usually scheduled as the Committee Chair deems them ready, and little public notice is provided. We are constantly scanning the official meeting schedules for voting sessions and monitoring House and Senate sessions for any verbal announcements. While we cannot guarantee advance notice to our readers, we are constantly updating our Upcoming Hearings table with any new information.
Keep an eye out for any alerts from our Issue Leads asking you to contact your lawmakers who sit on specific committees! This is the best time to reach out to your representatives and make an impact on their vote.
