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  • Writer's pictureStephen Buckingham

UULM-MD Advocacy Efforts Kicked Off

Last week featured two UULM-MD events to start our advocacy efforts for the 2023 General Assembly Session.

On Monday, the UU Church of Annapolis (UUCA) hosted our second YoUUth LegiCon which was well-attended by young people seeking to get involved in making public policy in Maryland. After hearing from several Issue Leads and asking good questions about how to make an impact, the youth were led on a tour of the State House and Senate and House Office Buildings, culminating with a meeting with State Senator Sarah Elfreth (D-30) of Annapolis. Feedback indicates that they were energized and ready to hold more events in support of issues they care about.

On Saturday, we held our Annual Legislative Kickoff, the first time since 2020 that UUs attended in-person while others also participated via Zoom. We managed to overcome some technical glitches to hear from the Governor’s new Chief Legislative Officer, Eric Luedtke, and learn about our 2023 priority issues. We thank our Issues Leads and speakers from allied organizations for presenting on each issue and hosting breakout sessions to prepare for advocacy with the Legislature.

The Coming Week

This week will include some watching important briefings on issues as well as giving testimony on specific bills, starting with HB 64 to create a Correctional Ombudsman. Check our website ( for continually-updated information, and keep an eye open for email messages that ask our members to contact lawmakers on bills we support.

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