Yesterday, Howard County citizens overwhelmingly confirmed that their county will continue to be a safe and welcoming community for all by voting to preserve the Liberty Act (CB63-2020) that prohibits county employees from inquiring about citizenship or immigration status or national origin and protecting citizenship data. (Results below.)
Thank you for all your efforts in keeping this law, choosing civility and advancing our UU values of respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person and justice, equity and compassion in human relations. A special thank you to Revs. Paige (UUCC) and Jane (Channing) for signing the county-wide clergy letter For the law.
Next stop - Annapolis -- where we will pursue legislation to open the Affordable Care Act to everyone regardless of immigration status and to expand Medicaid eligibility regardless of immigration status. Note that our UU Legislative Ministry of MD annual kickoff meeting will be a hybrid event - at UU Church of Annapolis and via zoom on Saturday, January 21. Save the date. Participate.
Thanks again, everyone, for your support in advancing justice in Howard County and Maryland.
Unofficial Results:
Question A View Question Text Local Referendum by Petition (CB63-2020) County Resources – Federal Immigration
(118 of 118 election day precincts reported)
Question A | Early Voting | Election Day | Mail-In Ballot | Provisional | Total |
For the Law | 15,980 | 38,297 | 7,349 | 0 | 61,626 |
Against the Law | 9,383 | 26,205 | 2,662 | 0 | 38,250 |
Totals | 25,363 | 64,502 | 10,011 | 0 | 99,876 |
