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Voting Your Values

Many people feel overwhelmed by all the noise during election season and have trouble figuring out how to vote in a way that supports their opinions on issues.  They may need help deciding what they want their elected officials to do. We suggest that people 

need to start by deciding what issues they believe are important.

For every issue, there are ideas on what we should do and what role the government should play. These ideas or policies are based on what values people hold. For example, someone who wants the government to be a stable constitutional republic holds democratic values, such as believing in the right of people to have a say in how their government is run and that representatives should be accountable to those who elected them. Likewise, someone who believes in letting businesses operate with little government regulation holds such capitalist values as believing that free markets make the best economic decisions and that government should only regulate in order to keep business conduct honest.

To help discuss important issues with voters, each of our Task Forces has developed a list of values and policy statements that these values support. Use the links below to discuss with voters our priority issues, using the related values that others are likely to share.


When speaking with potential voters, we ask them what issues concern them. From responses such as “I worry about immigration,” we need to know more, so we use open-ended questions like, “can you say more about that?” Since we may know little about the other person, we cannot assume they share our views, so these talking points are intended to share our personal values and how they relate to the issues. We sound them out first to find common values, then relay information about the issue related to those values. Providing information about issues related to shared values helps people come to their own conclusions about how to vote, and hopefully this will result in changed attitudes.


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